Activity 7.1 More Dimensioning

Activity 7.1 More Dimensioning

1.      Why is it important to have your drawing dimensioned completely?

In order to ensure the designers don't need to assume or estimate any dimensions. 

2.      What is the difference between size dimensions and location dimensions?

Size dimensions determine the lengths of dimensions. While location dimensions tells the placement of features.

3.      What is the difference between chain dimensioning and datum dimensioning? Which method generally results in smaller dimensional deviation in manufactured parts?

Chain dimension states the separate length of features along a line. While datum dimension tells measurements that derives from a point.

4.      What are the similarities and differences between communicating about an object or product part through a dimensioned drawing and through a written description?

Written description is only as effective as the user is able to describe while dimensioned drawing allows person to see visually. In addition,written description forces reader to imagine.


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