Activity 5.5a CAD Model Features Part 1

Activity 5.5a CAD Model Features Part 1

1.         What 3D CAD functions could be used to create a wire coat hanger?
We can use sweep after drawing line and circle for thickness of wire on a plane starting.

2.         For each of the following, sketch a 2D shape and an axis of rotation that you could use to model each of the following solid forms using the Revolve function within 3D modeling software. Dimension each sketch and indicate the axis of rotation that you would use. You may use software to check your answers.
a.         A solid cylinder with a diameter of 3.5 in. and a height of 7 in. Be sure to dimension the shape.
Dotted line is axis of rotation.

b.         A solid sphere using the Revolve function. What rotation angle would you use?
rotate at 360 degrees

3.         For each of the following, describe the solid form that would result from rotating the given shape about the axis of rotation by the given rotation angle. Then sketch the resulting 3D shape and indicate important dimensions.
I would get cone

half of a rectangular prism that has curved edges.


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